Wednesday, March 4, 2015

My Birth

Story told by my mom Leelia.
This birth was from the beginning to the end very different from Riki's birth. First of all, there were many false alarms, which started end of December. Also in January many nights between 12-2 in the night there were regular contractions and I was waiting to see, should I call my sister Helica to come from Märjamaa and to look after Riki. Maybe because of that the waiting time was especially long this time. I had a feeling baby will be born much before the deadline and when 1st February passed then every day felt very long time. And you can guess, what everybody asked as a first thing - is the baby already born. Like I would keep it myself if it would :).
Riki was asking very often when the sister will be born and how it’s possible I don’t know what day the baby will be born. One morning he started to cry when he say me, and said - baby is still not born :(.
I was reading already from the internet what to do to "invite" the baby to come out. I was drinking for more than a week a special tea; had long walks but still nothing. On the night from 6th to 7th of February started regular contractions in every 10 minutes or so and they lasted approximately from 23 until 5 in the morning and then I decided to wake up Alex and call my sister and go to the hospital to check the status. Poor sister was actually just arriving home from Tallinn and needed to come back to Keila. We were at 6 in the hospital and got confirmation that the baby will not be born yet and those are not the right contractions. Only if it’s in every 5 minutes it’s counted as the birth has started. So we went back to home.
Next day we had again phone call with sister to check in, how the situation is. I had during the day some more serious pains, but not regular. In the evening my sister told that news informed there will be offline time for mobile networks between 12-2 in the night. I sent her text just around 23 to inform that there is still no regular pains, so she can go to sleep. Riki fell asleep approx. 23 and about 30 min later started regular pains, which didn’t stop and were about 5-7 min apart. This evening we had with Riki kid’s champagne - maybe this was what help to get the birth started :).
This night I decided to wait a bit longer. Went to the bath also to see, will the pain stop or continue. I waited until 1, then decided to wait a little more, just to be sure it’s not false alarm again. Pain was already strong, but I still waited until 2 and a bit more before I contacted my sister Helica. They arrived with Cyrsten a bit after 3 and we had already car running and started the trip to Tallinn. It was so much easier to handle the pain at home where I could walk and take the positions what help to deal with the pain, in the car the pain felt much more intense. We arrived in the hospital a bit before 4 and doctor confirmed that this time the birth started (5 cm). Taking into account that usually its takes about 1 cm per hour, then my goal was to have a baby approx. 9 am.
I was asking for the room with the bath what we were able to get and got settled – I got this “beautiful” hospital dress and midwife started with the KTG to check the status. I didn’t want to lay down in the bed this time and asked, can I do this test when standing or having some other position what helps to deal with the pain. I got the fitness ball. It took some time to get the test done, because the sensor was moving a bit and didn’t register the status. When we finally got the results what showed that the pain is more often and baby is doing well, then I was allowed to go to the bath. Midwife said I can go now for a bit to deal with the pain and if I want to give a birth in the bath, then I will go back again later. None of us believed it will be over very fast. Alex was doing very well with the multitasking – giving me water, giving back massage, giving wet towel for cooling the face. Of course the pain got more intense, because baby was about to be born, so I could not exactly relax in the bath, but I was so relieved to hear from the midwife, that the baby will be born very soon. Our midwife was so great help – she was very calm, supportive, helped to remind the correct breathing etc. I am sure she helped a lot to have this great experience. Only 2 hours in the hospital and our cute baby was born 6.05 am. I was so so happy and also relieved it went so smoothly this time. With Riki I needed to have an epidural, laughing gas and I really didn’t feel myself when the baby was born, this time it was very different.
When my dear baby was on my chest, my first question to the midwife was – is the baby a girlJ. I didn’t believe until the end that I will be so blessed to have both – a boy and a girl and both healthy and beautiful kids. They are my biggest treasure!
When both baby and my where checked, we where transported to the mother & baby room, because none of the family rooms was at that time available. Alex helped us to get settled and then went to home to give more details of the birth to Riki, Helica and Cyrsten and to rest a bit and then to come back with Riki after we will receive the family room. I had a very short sleep, because I was just so happy and excited and could not take my eyes off our baby. Also there were at least 3 doctor’s visits.  
I think about 2am we got the family room and soon after Riki got to meet his sister for the first time. He was so happy and gentle and lovely with her – was kissing her, was singing and talking to her.
Our initial plan was to have Riki with us in the family room until we get home from the hospital, but of course with all those emotions and being stuck in the small room, he got very tired in the evening and we agreed with Helica that she will come and take him to Märjamaa. Riki was happy with this plan. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days, because there was one test what is done on the 3rd day, and if we would go home, we would need to come back for that anyway.
We spent Alex’s birthday in the hospital, what was just a day after the baby was born – 9th of February and he received his gifts a day after when we got home. 
Here are pictures from the first couple of days:

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