Friday, March 27, 2015

2nd doctors visit

12th of March I had my second doctors visit. My brother Riki was with us and as you can see he felt again very relaxed and used the waiting time in a very productive way :)

Here are my results:
Weight 4,67 kg (was 3,52 when I was born)
Height 56 cm (was 49 cm).
So I am much bigger already and doctor is very happy with all the numbers :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Beautiful pictures

Thank you so much for Evelin who made those beautiful pictures! During this first modelling work I was 8 days old :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

1st Birthday

8th of March was my first birthday and I had my dear relatives from Märjamaa visiting us. Helica and Cyrsten made a beautiful cake! Thank you!


7th of March I went for the first time to massage, it was kind of nice. The same lady who made the massage for my brother when he was as small as me, is now also my masseur. This time we went to massage with all the family :)

At home

Most of the time I eat and sleep. When I am up, then my brother keeps me happy :) brother will apply for the Kinder kid's face on the chocolate paper :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Quality time

Quality time with my mom and brother. 
Riki made a plane and my mom was a pilot and we were passengers:
 ..walking outside :)
 ...and sleeping in different positions :)
...and in uncle Sander's birthday. They had so nice and warm room prepared for me, that I slept most of the time: